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Divorce and Children: Avoid The Holiday Nightmare

Laura L. Van Tassel, Esq.

The holidays are here! Some folks love to plan and others, not so much – but when you are separating or divorcing planning for where the children (and you too!) will spend the holidays can become a nightmare. If you are like most people you have routines and family traditions that you want to pass down to your children. Having a shared holiday plan with your former wife/ husband can make those traditions difficult to continue, and can be a source of major frustration.

In order to avoid the pitfalls that come with waiting until the last minute to determine where and with whom your children will be for each occasion, the time to create a holiday plan is now.

Creating a plan helps you avoid conflict and gives both of you the ability to carry on traditions and create new ones, which will remain with your children for a lifetime. Working with an attorney can help you "cover your bases" and draft a complete arrangement for the holidays to ensure that everyone has plenty of time to be with the children, family or whatever your needs may be.

So create a plan this week to insure that everyone can enjoy holidays in the same way that intact families do — perhaps even with a little less drama. What better gift could you give?

Van Tassel Law specializes in mediation, collaborative divorce and other methods of settling your divorce issues without litigation thereby allowing you to control your costs, time and settle the matter in a manner that is respectful and as peaceful as possible. To learn more about Van Tassel Law and the mediation, collaborative process visit

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